Buck 'n' Roll - Prototype 0.0.2

Right after I released the prototype, I'm releasing a small update that brings a few bug fixes, optimizations, and modifies the aspect of the gameplay.


  • Notes no longer utilize textures, they're graphics instead now, and the keys now appear in the hit zones instead of the notes.
  • Deleted some assets load calls, which should optimize the game's performance, specially on low-end systems.
  • Deleted keyboard input texture assets as they are no longer used. The game should be slightly lighter now.


  • Fixed the hit zone margin, note streaks being reset even though a note wasn't missed shouldn't happen any longer. More testing is needed, though.
  • Notes close to each other should now be playable without the note streak being reset if they're not played together simultaneously.
  •  x2 score multiplier changed from 2 consecutive notes to 8, since the value had been changed for testing and I forgot to change it back.
  • Fixed a bug by which if the player interacted with the main menu's guitar and then pressed the light switch, the clicking sound from the switch wouldn't play, and the game would throw an error.


  • If the player opens and closes the file select window without selecting a file, then carries out the gameplay process correctly, gameplay won't take place properly and the game will throw an error.
  • The transparent space spanning Buck's sprite in the main menu can be clicked, which is a bit awkward.
  • If the player interacts with the clock in the main menu using the arrow keys and keeps them pressed, it'll cause it to bug out and the animation to be spammed.
  • Switching the time on the clock in the main menu with the keyboard won't change the room's texture.
  • Trying to turn the lights on/off with the keyboard in the main menu doesn't work, even though the light switch's texture changes.
  • Midi notes that don't have a "0" duration in the .midi file value will cause desynchronization due to how the note delays are calculated.
  • Changes in tempo in a .midi aren't registered by the parser, which will cause desynchronization if a song has tempo changes.
  • Switching tabs/windows or losing focus on the game will halt the flow of notes, and will then release them all simultaneously.
  • While not necessarily a bug, turning the lights off shadows the entire screen, including all text.
  • While not necessarily a bug, the transition to gameplay can take a few seconds to load if the note array is too large. This is an optimization issue that should be fixed.

The new version is now playable and downloadable, and I've now also made "Dangerous Duck", the first song made for the game, available to download for use in gameplay.


bucknroll-prototype-0.0.2.zip Play in browser
22 days ago
Dangerous Duck.zip 14 MB
22 days ago

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